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My Garden
I have a love-hate relationship with gardening. My husband and I bought our current home 23 years ago because it had a large yard with...

The Garden City
I live in a city located in the only sub-tropical area of Canada. As a result, the flora of Victoria is unlike that found in other parts...

How Long is Too Long?
I have to make a confession right off the bat. When I am surfing Amazon for a book to read, I steer clear of books of more than 100000...

Book Covers
An enticing book cover can make a world of difference to a book's appeal. When I first began publishing, I designed my own covers. That...

Trick-or-Treat Hallowe'en Hop
Welcome Hallowe'en Hoppers. I love dark chocolate. And I love Lindor truffles in particular. Here's a picture of my choice of candy for...

The Alpha Male
First the Serious Stuff. Romance authors are fond of referring to their heroes as alpha males as if the romance genre invented the term....
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